Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Being A Bystander.

Being a bystander is something that was a part of me when I was younger. I was skinny, shy, not very opinionated. I was the classic quiet mild mannered teenager. I can think of many times where I have been a bystander, but all those times, I feel like they pale in comparison to some of the examples I have read in other people's blogs. Some examples include watching my friends cheat on tests, hearing and watching people get bullied and demoralized. I have seen all these things. However, I really have no example of great importance to me. I am just thankful that I have never been a bystander in any of these situations.

I have been a bystander at my chapter meetings, which is the most recent and relevant example that I can think of. Often issues are discussed at meetings, and I used to be afraid to stand up for what I thought, until Winter Quarter. I really got invested in my chapter, and I realized that the best way to make the chapter better was to offer what I thought was the best solution, so that the whole chapter could hear all the sides of the issue. It has really helped me feel like this is my chapter, and I have done something to make it better.

This kind of investment is needed in the Greek Community, because to make it better, we had better be ready to make our voices heard and listen to others voices. Everyone has ideas, and the best way to get them out is to express them, and not wait for someone else to take the lead.

Now, check out this video for a cure to your bystander problems.


1 comment:

  1. Good post, Derek. Glad to see you are voicing your opinion in chapter. Keep it up, man
