Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Value in my life

What are your personal core values, and what do they mean to you?

Well, I this is a question I needed to ponder about for a while. According to Dictionary.com, value is "relative worth, merit, or importance", which leaves it very open to interpretation. Here we go:

The first thing that came to mind when I thought of what I value most was family. I mean where would I be without my family. I have quite a large family and even though I don't see all of them that often, I could say that I could call nearly all of them and have a good meaningful conversation with them about anything. My parents and grandparents have really taught me almost everything I know, besides Calculus (which I can thank Ohio State for teaching me). They have always been there for me and I will always be there for them, which is something I value greatly.

I think I am going to try and go out of the box and say that I also value outgoing-ness (if that makes sense). I feel being able to go out and do the things that you want to do is a very important attribute to have. I wish I was more outgoing, because I would be able to do things that I wished I had done. Regret is something that I wish I could live without, however, it is inevitable that you will not do something and then you regret it. I value outgoing-ness just because of its power to help you live your life to the fullest.

Last but not least, I value  a good set of morals. I think that holding yourself to high standard makes you the best you can be. In these morals could be things such as honesty, responsibility, or even little things like etiquette.  I value everything that helps you live life to the fullest, and morals definitely help.  I also believe in Karma, in the most basic sense, so if you do good, good will find its way back to you. 

While I value almost infinitely more things, I only have time to put some of them down here.  I hope that you all can relate to these in one capacity or another.

On a completely unrelated note, this picture has to be the cutest picture I have seen in the longest time:

and yes, I am distracted now. 



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